Personal Projects

Minimal Crypt – Steam Game

Minimal Crypt is a minimalistic puzzle game with a steep difficulty curve. Packed with 60+ handcrafted levels, it uses no more than 25 tiles to make for really tough logic puzzles. Move your pawns around a grid, acquire colored coatings that allow one pass through a colored block each, and take care of their order […]

Personal Projects

AntsRL – Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

If you ever observed a colony of ants, you may have noticed how well organised they seem. In order to gather food and defend itself from threats, an average anthill of 250,000 individuals has to cooperate and self-organise. By the use of specific roles and of a powerful tool – the pheromones – thousands of […]

Personal Projects

CV Bird Project

A Computer Vision project where our objective was to pilot a drone using visual targets in the environment. Images from both cameras of the drone are taken from the simulation in Unreal Engine 4 and sent to a Python program running in parallel. Pre-processing is applied to the live feed, then Harris-Corner detection is performed. […]

Personal Projects

Sailing Home – Global Game Jam 2019

A game made in one weekend with three friends for the Global Game Jam 2019 ! The game was made in Unreal Engine 4 using several assets found on the web (see distribution webpage for full credits).Theme: “What home means to you” — Find the game here —

Personal Projects

Administration of a Role-playing Server

Management of a team of 10 volunteers, administration of a ~100 players community. Gameplay systems conception, Java programming…